
Wednesday 1 April 2015

Celebration of Dance

Blog Challenge #5

You blog allows you to share a little of yourself with others.  As we get ready to begin our dance unit share a dance style that inspires you.  You may not be able to 'bust a move' like the video but appreciating the art of others is key.

Here is my favourite. SALSA!  I love the energy these two bring to the dance floor.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Blog Comment Etiquette

When we began this blogging journey we knew we would get to the exciting opportunity blogging allows us to have meaningful and critical conversation with others.  In our classroom and around the world. 

Blog challenge #4 is to leave a comment! 
Explore a few of your classmate's blogs and share a comment. I would also like you to add the iSpeech extension and read the News article I included below.  After reading and with excellent Blog Comment Etiquette add a comment on my blog!

REMEMBER: Blog authors have the right to delete any comments always be sure moderation in settings is turned on.
What do you think?

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Blog Challenge #3

Challenge #3

Time to personalize your blog!  Create an avatar.  Key here is PRIVACY.  We want personalization and protection.  Only use first names when describing yourself and be sure your home address and phone number is protected!

Monday 23 February 2015

Creation and Credit!

You are now DIGITAL CREATORS ad you OWN your blog!  How do you feel about how others might share, use, or remix?  Although the internet makes it easy, when you steal another's work it is called plagiarism!  Plagiarism is copying and pasting text, images, video, or anything that someone else created without giving credit but have hope.  There are circumstances under which you may use another's work.  Copyright laws protect an author's work by requiring users to get permission.  They can also give you permission through a Creative Commons license.  Schools are fortunate in that we have permission if for school work, this is called "Fair Use" as long as we GIVE CREDIT/CITATION.

Let's consider licensing your work.  Embed the icon of your choice.  Include an attribution to any pictures you have used!  Giving credit shows respect for the hard work of another.

image from: Creative

Weekly Task #2

Create an image that inspires others!  Use Pic Lits and include a quote

Be inspired here!

Thursday 12 February 2015

Information Literacy 101

On a scale of 1-5 how strong is the information you get from these websites?

Hpedsb (2x)

Monday 9 February 2015

Blogging 101

What is a blog you say??? 

A diary?
A collection? a portfolio
A story?
A collection of facts?

Best description I read was that a blog is like a virtual workbench that can be used to help you find your creativity and learn more about the technological world they are inheriting

It is a place to find an audience, friends, teachers, parents and even Mr Harvey where you can be ...

It is a place to begin a DIGITAL FOOTPRINT as a Digital Citizenship!

Common Sense Media: Digital Footprint Intro from Joaquin E. Jutt on Vimeo.

  • Never post anything that you might find embarrassing later. 
  • Be careful with the pictures you post on your public profiles. Remember others will see them and judge you based on their content. 
  • Change the privacy settings on your social networking sites so that only your Friends can see your information 
  • Do not disclose your personal address, phone number, passwords. Bank card numbers...etc even in private messages. There is always the possibility of somebody hacking into your account and finding them. 
  • Do not post things to bully, hurt, blackmail, insult, or afflict any kind of harm on others 
  • Always keep in mind that once information has been posted online, it can be almost impossible to remove because of archiving and file sharing. Even though you deactivate your accounts, the information may still be retrieved by others. 

Blogs to CHECK OUT!

Lily's Blog
Gabi's Blog
Redfish Blog

Blogging Challenge #1

 If you could meet 5 people, alive or dead, who would they be? Make a list of people and include one question you would ask them in an interview. You cannot repeat the same question.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Google Drawing

What is Coding

Want to work with computers when you get older.  Coding is the way we tell computers what to do.  Explore this site to begin coding then get creative with Scratch

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Fractured Fairytales

Drama 4,5,6 - Culminating Task
Fractured Fairytales

Learning Goal:
Create a Fractured Fairy Tale using app 'Puppet Pals'.  Dramatic elements of MOVEMENT, GESTURE AND VOICE at key!

Success Criteria:
  • movement and gestures support the feelings and ideas of Fairy Tale (e.g.- whisper=secret)
  • attention given to pitch, pause and pace of characters/narrator
  • contributions of all supported


Tuesday 28 October 2014

All about Owls

As we begin share what we have learned about owls with others here are a few places we might want to revisit as we share:

Monday 20 October 2014

Finding your Voice!

October is Bullying Month.  How do me make a stand?

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Be Awesome!

Kid President is a master of VOICE!

Magicians use many tricks to CONTROL their audience.

Actors CONTROL their faces and body language
Actors CONTROL their voice
Actors CONTROL their space/stage
Actors CONTROL their audience

Learning Goal:

Use your voice to share our stories.

Success Criteria:
  • Consider PITCH, PAUSE AND PACE of your voice to interpret and preform?
  • Able to preform Choral reading opportunities?
  • Collaborating in your dramatic group?  Support the contributions of others?
  • Being CREATIVE?

Monday 6 October 2014

Tricks of the Trade

Can you "read" an Internet site? 
Do you think all sites are created to allow kids like you to have fun?  
Did you know that many online website have a job to do?  

They want to SELL you a PRODUCT.  When you know how to look for the 'tricks of the trade' you can "read" a website and become NetSmart!

You job is to use SketchPad  to design your own product webpage.  Purpose is to draw attention to your PRODUCT.

  • One or more pictures of the toy (drawn or printed out)
  • A place where people can click to buy the toy
  • At least one “trick” to encourage people to buy the toy

Monday 15 September 2014

Powers of Observation

This week we explore how actors OBSERVE people and things around them as they seek to master the "art of storytelling!

Sunday 7 September 2014

Powerful Passwords

Powerful Passwords

Learning Goal:  

We can create secure passwords and understand the importance of privacy online

Success Criteria:   

  • understand the Do's and Don't of passwords 
  • create an effective 8 character password- letter/capitals and symbols
  • demonstrate weekly independence logging in and protecting privacy
Now lets Introduce yourself with Bitstrips for Schools!.  I cannot wait to share!